Thursday, October 16, 2014

Can I Get An Amen ?

This Ebola disease presents super-serious concerns. It appears that it spreads expeditiously in places like Liberia. The 'experts' are saying within months Ebola could increase world-wide at a rate of 10,000 cases per week. Those so-called well-versed Doctors appear frequently on television with the obvious 'talking-points-mission' to reassure folks that things are going to be just fine; we Americans are all over this crap. Well, excuse me but I'm not so damn sure about that 'company-line.'
One Ebola patient is dead after walking into a major hospital sporting all the Ebola symptoms plus West Africa plane ticket stubs hanging from his shirt pocket and the nurse told him to go home and take an aspirin. He died within a week but not before he infected others.
President Obama recently said that a number of Nations have not been proactive in fighting the disease and "They need to step up." I suspect those are the same Nations who are waiting for the USA to take care of the world terrorists' groups. Lot's of luck waiting for that 'back-up' Pres!

On a personal note, I never get a flu shot. I had the flu once in my adult life; that was the 'only' year that I got THE shot. I do wash my hands more than any person suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). That said, I need to speak to my Preacher. He insists on those congregation moments of hand-holding during prayer. I find myself praying that the person in the pew who blew their nose during the entire sermon and whose moist hand is now clutching my hand suffers only from allergies!!!

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