I thought it important to share with our three grown children what their parents are 'thinking' about down the road. We are not in denial; we know the day may arrive when we must make 'other' living arrangements. I explained to the children that their mother is straight forward with her game plan, she wishes to live in one of those assisted-living places or a nursing home. I DO NOT. Whereas, I am not above those living accommodations and I am sure that I can get use to 'strange odors' and institutional cooking; I am not going to live any place where 'keepers' tell me it's time to do crafts or I must play bingo.
Therefore, I have told my children that when I can no longer paddle solo, I intend to live with ONE of THEM. I am confident this news creates great excitement amongst my kids as they anticipate winning the lottery. Meanwhile, I just bide-my-time and allow the kids to placate the old man as they 'jockey' for inside position.
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