I don't care for some circumstances. I find myself attending weddings of my nieces and nephews' kids because their parents attended my kids' weddings. That's not right. I think MY kids are on the hook to attend these weddings; it's their 'payback.' I never get any mail worth reading. Along with regular invoice-bills, I now have over one thousand return-labels from cystic fibrosis, March of Dimes, Heart and Cancer organizations and Alzheimer's International. Recently, I get mailings from senior living-homes, hearing aid businesses and funeral homes with an occasional Casino post card telling me that they 'miss' my money and I have a free room; it's not stated that I should bring some more money but it is understood.
I also receive annual notices from the Masons, Scottish Rites and Temple that my dues are needed. I pay the dues and support many of those organizations' causes but I never attend any meetings. Those meetings are too much like the Cub Scouts and I never could get into secret pass words and merit badges.
I did buy some hearing aides and discovered what I suspected; there's not much worth hearing, especially today's pop songs, which really suck!
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