Remember immediately after Obamacare became the law of the land the GOP began talking about the need to repeal Obamacare and replace it. For nearly seven years all we heard was the same cry from Conservatives. As the 2016 Presidential campaign played out the Republican eventual nominee, Donald Trump spoke as if he had the best health care plan tucked away in his suit coat. All America needed to do was elect this man and he was going to "repeal and replace Obamacare with a new WONDERFUL health care program; likely repeal and replace in the same week maybe even the same day." Trump's rhetoric was nothing more than blowhard poppycock. He had NOTHING!
Well after stating recently that "health care is complicated," Trump's mindless soldiers unveiled their new 'American Health Care Act' proposal. Surprise surprise! Under the new health care plan, we get a glimpse of winners and losers:
1. Wealthy folks making over $200,000.00 per year get huge tax breaks.
2. Young healthy adults
3. Fans of health Savings Accounts
4. Those who want bare-bones coverage
1. Ten million people (mostly low-income) lose insurance
2. Sick People
3. Older People
4. Those who get insurance from employers
5. Planned Parenthood
Actually, I believe it is correct to state that under the new health care proposal the rich get richer and the poor get sicker. Look, I want the 'same' insurance that Paul Ryan and Nancy Pelosi enjoy.
No More; No Less.
I want the Republicans to demonstrate the same Anti-abortion passion for the total and complete health care coverage for that little black baby born to a single mother in East St. Louis and that little white baby born to that unemployed West Virginia coal miner on food stamps. I'm sick of hearing the Christian talk and failing to see the Christian walk. If we American are going to invoke the name of Jesus, we must do it at EVERY turn.
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