Sunday, August 6, 2017

Tours of Polo & Other Places

It's time for an 'extended Roustio-family' vacation. Past history has found the clan in such places as Ft. Myers Beach, FL., South Haven, MI. and St. Louis. This time, I'm thinking Polo, Illinois 'The Gateway to the Pines.' Where's Polo? and Why Polo? Polo is a short drive SW from Rockford. The town of 2,400 sits midst corn fields, which once grew huge quantities of Hemp. Must be some interesting soil samples. The scenic country roads to Polo will reduce the stress dodging and weaving in bumper-to-bumper highway traffic headed to beaches. Another reason for a family Polo Party is a gimme! I have a granddaughter and grandson-in law residing in Polo. Grandson in-law?

I've done my research diligence and have compelling reasons for the clan to head to this quaint town named for the Venetian explorer, Marco Polo. Polo folks are friendly and must have a strong spirituality as underscored by a 2-1 ratio of churches-to-bars. On a previous visit to Polo, I found myself at Jeff Ref's Bar but not at a holy place. Shame on me. I did feel welcome. At another Polo establishment, the waitress at Dad's Bar & Grill was efficient and friendly.  I recall a conversation that day at a nearby table. Two fellas were upset that a radical religious group purchased the local grocery store but never stocked it with food. In fact, the church group did not move anything into the building and from what I gather...Best they did not.

If the family arrived early Friday, we could see the Polo 'Marcos' high school football team in action. I dare say, only Polo has the mascot, 'Marcos.' The Polo mascot 'Marco' looks nothing like Marco Polo, however but more like Genghis Khan. Our Polo visit should coincide with the Annual 'Town &  Country Days.'  Surely they will have a parade and the youngsters will enjoy carnival rides while under the beer tent the adults can learn more about a rumor circulating in Polo. Rumor has a local bank examiner who, upon retirement, plans to develop a 'sod farm,' which is typical of his wild & crazy life-style. Given the fact that the once 'Hemp-saturated soil' has field-corn eating pigs jumping over the Polo moon; you can anticipate that sod farm to yield different color grasses. A novelty money-maker and some cattle-happy grazing pastures.

Our family history buffs can visit Civil War General Zenas Aplington's House. That historic property once saw Abe Lincoln wandering about the backyard in 1856. The Black Hawk War 'Buffalo Grove Ambush' occurred near Polo. That scrimish saw Indians kill a fella named Bill Durley who made the foolish mistake to leave Galena and take a short-cut through the woods headed to Dixon. These days folks from Dixon go the hard-road to Galena.

 I thought I'd really found a Polo gem when I stumbled on the name 'Paul Mitchell' of Polo. Holy crap! Could this be kin to THE Paul Mitchell? The Scottish-American hairstylist who developed Paul Mitchell Styling Products in the early 1980's? Nope! Not THAT Paul Mitchell...but he was well-known by most folks at 'Jeff Ref's Bar.

Yep! I'm making a pitch for a Polo invasion. I hear-tell that there is a Polo motel on the main drag but it likely would be in our family's best interest to make arrangement to take blowup mattresses and camp out at the Polo firehouse. We can do this trip the week of the Firemens' Pancake & Sausage Breakfast.

If this goes as well, I may begin a business enterprise... 'Tours of Polo.' WOW! Next up could be 'Tours of Pisgah' during the Franklin, Illinois 'Burgoo Festival.' The Burgoo Capital of the World.
Dear Hearts & Gentle People

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