Wednesday, February 21, 2018


I have told you readers numerous times on previous blogs that I am an individual of 'slightly above average intelligence.' I function comfortably with that status as I can figure out most things requiring daily living navigation. I cannot, however figure out the thinking process of America's 45th President.

We have heard This person pontificate for nearly a year that he doubted that Russia meddled or hacked into the 2016 Presidential election. Now the goof-ass asked the question, " Why didn't Obama do something about Russia's meddling?" Holy carp, Donald, did or did not the Russians meddle in our 2016 election. You did suggest it was possibly a 400lb. guy sitting in his bed that did the hacking!

The aforementioned, I cannot possibly understand the 'thinking process' of Donald Trump. I accept the obvious that he is a narcissist with deep seeded bigoted attitudes towards people of color and certain religions. Whereas I disavow such attitudes, I have seen those prejudices all my life. Here's what I am at a loss to understand: Trump visited some to the Parkland teen shooting victims last Friday on his way to his weekend break at his Palm Springs Mar-a-Lago, which is a 45-minute drive from Parkland. While heartbroken parents began burying their children over the weekend, Trump spent his hours attacking our law enforcement agencies and institution on twitter and playing golf.

This man makes everything about himself. His behavior expresses heartlessness!
A Pure Narcissist 

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