Friday, February 9, 2018

Weak and Sad Religious Leaders

My Evangelical brothers and sisters continue to amaze me. I mean they absolutely blow my mind with their incredible silence about this current White House leadership. Given the fact that Evangelicals proudly embrace the Republican bogus political platform calling for the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, which they NEVER, I mean NEVER demand implementation, I question their broken moral accountability of White House leadership from the top guy through his staff personnel.

Trump got a pass on his own vulgarity speaking about his delight sexually assaulting women as the religious right told us he is "taking baby-steps in his Christian walk." That holier than thou group says nothing about a Congress that votes overwhelmingly to sanction Russia for attacking our Democracy while their President refuses to show patriotic leadership by singing off on the implementation of those sanctions.

Just this week, we discover that a high level White House staffer, Rob Portet was known to mentally and physically abuse his two former wives. White House staffer, Porter could not get 'security clearance' due to FBI information regarding those abuse incidences. Chief of Staff, John Kelly, a supposedly honorable retired military General knew of his right-hand man's spousal physical abuse and chose to covered it up for months. When it becomes public, Kelly lies stating that he is stunned/shocked. He's a phony.

I will not hold my breath waiting for Franklin Graham, John Butler Book, John Hagee, Pat Robertson and other notable religious preachers to speak to these unspeakable activities but instead I'll anticipate their insidious comments about gays and lesbians.

Reverend Billy Graham, Franklin's father, warned the Evangelicals: "I don't want religious bigotry in any form. It would disturb me if there was a wedding between the religious fundamentalists and the political right. The hard right has no interest in religion except to manipulate it." Parade 1981 Welcome to the world of which Reverend Billy Graham warned us.

Guess who's been hoodwinked and now drives people from the Lord's house?
'Fake News?' 'Fake Leadership?' No, Fake religious leaders!
Tell The Truth

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