The other day, I had one of those Facebook pop-up notifications. This particular one asked if I'd like to know the names of the three people who 'unfriended me' in January? My first thought was 'Holy crap there are actually people on Facebook that wish to have that answer; if it was not so, Facebook would not be asking the question.' My second thought was if I don't care to know if somebody 'unfriendd me' is there something wrong with me. I was going to give that question more in-depth analysis when Toy Poodle, Yodie growled at me and to go outside. Before you knew it I had to bagging his poop and I forgot all about that unfriendly business.
Back in the fifth grade some kid 'unfriended me' and I learned from the experience to push on.
On the other side of that Facebook friendship coin, I can tell you this: I can disagree with others' opinions but my friendship for them remains greater than our differences. I have a friend with whom I disagree with on most political issues. I admire and respect this man for many reasons especially his service to our nation. Bottom line is this>> I love this man and his family. I would never 'unfriend' him on Facebook; besides I need to keep helping him so that one day he may 'see the light.'
Let's Be Friends
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