Thursday, February 15, 2018

Woe betide the Judgment Coming

I attended public schools for 12-years and taught in public schools for 39-years. During those combined fifty-one years, I witnessed masses of young people leaving school daily at the dismissal time and occasionally during fire-drills. I never observed students running from school buildings with hands above their heads while law enforcement stood by with drawn weapons. Of course, this is no longer the age of concern for our children but the age of 'rights' of citizens to purchase assault weapons, which were intended for military conflict. We as a Nation have lost our way

The National Rifle Association spent over 36-million dollars on Donald Trump's Presidential campaign. Those politicians who accept one penny from the NRA have blood on their hands each time assault weapons kill the innocent. America's philosophy at this point: "Money Talks, Bullshit Walks" and our youth continue to die in schools.

The general public lead by Religious leaders should relentlessly lean on our law makers with untold pressure to protect the most vulnerable in our society...the children. The GOP is owned by the NRA. If a mass shooting happens at the hands of (immigrant) terrorist, The President and and other Republican leaders start screaming about vetting, immigration bans, sanctuary cities but when our children are murdered in the schools we hear the poppycock 'mental illness' line. Look, anybody who slaughters innocent people is  'mentally ill.' It's the availability of guns, STUPID!

Black Lives Don't Matter...White Lives Don't Matter...Childrens' Lives Don't Matter....Only Guns Matter!
Children Deserve More 

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