Monday, February 19, 2018

Lucky #79

I marked my seventy-ninth birthday yesterday and invariably some people asked that question, you know the one: 'Do you feel seventy-nine?' I told some folks "Yes," and others "No." The truth of the matter, I don't know what seventy-nine is supposed to feel like!

Actually, I never got into my birthday celebrations except for #'s 13, 16, 18, 21, 50 and 55. You understand those bench-marks; becoming a teenager, getting a driver's license, signing up for selective service, legal age to buy a beer, reaching the infamous 'over-the-hill' number and getting my AARP road side service card. At seventy-nine, I am ecstatic just waking up, dressing myself, bathing myself, excersing and feeding myself..and I state that sincerely! I'm truly thankful about those capabilities.

 In my rear view mirror I see an incredible history. A terrific youth unfolding in the 1940's and  1950's, nurtured by wonderful parents and an extended family. A high school sweetheart to whom I've been married for nearly fifty-eight years after a seven-year courtship. Successful adult children who married equally successful spouses who demonstrate caring love. Fifteen grandchildren and soon to be a third great grandchild. Two married grandchildren also picked well for that "I Do," moment.
The beat goes on...

I was blessed with employment opportunities that made it 'feel' as though I never worked a day in my professional life. I was nurtured in 'faith' from the beginning and I know my eternity is secured  through the saving blood of Christ.

Yesterday, I received telephone calls from family and love ones and many friends sent wishes via the Facebook. I thank each of you for being in my life; my journey is richer because of you.
Why Me Oh Lord?

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