Wednesday, August 15, 2018

A Serpent's Tongue.

Occasionally, I have one of those nights when sleep is elusive...I couldn't catch it 'for the life of me' last night. There's an interesting 'idiom:' 'For the life of me.' I suppose it means no matter the degree of ain't happening!

Finally, I got out of bed and recorded music from old LP's and vinyl 45's. While 'burning' music onto CD's I began thinking of sayings I heard from family members as a young child. My dad was good to say, "Hey boy, straighten up and fly right." (Meaning: If you know what's good for you you'll start behaving properly.)  Dads frequent saying to his teen son was "Boy, while out on the streets don't let your mouth overload your ass." (In other words>Don't write a check you can't cash). My maternal grandmother, Mammy Bennett often said, "If you can't say something good about a person then say nothing." My, my, we sure could use a big dose of that in today's social climate. We are all guilty of criticism and ugly comments.

 I notice that a good many folks today,  'talk out of both sides of their mouth' and 'evil prevails because good men do nothing.' I especially notice these latter two comments in politics. If you simply review Rudy Giuliani's defensive statements on behalf of his client, Donald Trump you be able to sum things up> "He didn't say that but if he did it's not a lie." "He is not guilty of collusion but if he colluded it's not a crime."  In July, Rudy said that Attorney Michael Cohen was a good man with an honorable reputation. One month later, Rudy said that Cohen is a pathological liar. That said, Rudy does have a difficult charge trying to explain the lies and childlike behavior of his only client.

All of the above does not trouble me near as much as the United States Congress being complicite...they epitomize allowing evil to prevail with silence.

And-________if somebody can justify President Trump's hateful treatment of a 22-year Navy vetreran who was a two-year prisoner of war, please do so. And Trump calls black NFL players SOB's for kneeling during the National Anthem...really? Trump "speaks with a forked tongue."

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