Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Glass-a-Day Keeps Reality Away!

Anybody who seriously examines world history events will note that countries under authoritarian dictatorships will discover several commonalities but perhaps the three most desired traits of a dictator are: 1) destroy 'free press and speech,'  2) control the military and 3) target certain groups as evil and problematic.

Rush Limbaugh (conservative right-wing radio host): "Slavery had its merits. It built the South and streets where safer after dark."

Alex Jones (right-wing radio host and conspiracy theorist): Makes claims that no children were killed at Sandyhook Elementary School. Jones States, "It was all staged."

Kellyanne Conway (Counselor to President Trump): Insists that "facts offered can be discounted by 'alternative' facts."

Rudy 'Train Wreck' Giuliani (personal attorney of President Trump): Rudy recently told Meet the Press television host, Chuck Todd, "Truth 'isn't' Truth."

Donald J. Trump (United States President): Trump recently told an audience of his supporters, "Just remember, what you're seeing and reading is not what's happening...just stick with us."

Okay great-thinkers: Line up, time to pass out the Kool Aid!

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