Friday, August 31, 2018

Ain't Good To Fall

Statistics reveal that 1-in-3 people age 65 or older will fall once a year. Those elderly falls happen every 11-seconds. I became a statistic four-weeks ago. I did not share this information immediately with my blog readers for a few reasons:
(1) Just because I am seventy-nine and calloused to many things, I still get embarrassed. (2) Disclosing publicly that I fell ignites too many intense emotions among my advocates and adversaries. (Let me explain: My advocates will worry about my well being while my adversaries will seek details about broken bones and bleeding) and the greatest reason of non-disclosure is  (3) my children will intensify their lectures and making jokes about their aging parents.

Okay about 'The Fall.' My wife and I were sitting on our front porch bench on a sunny late afternoon awaiting the arrival of out of town guests. I was holding eight pound Toy Poodle Yodie in my lap. As our guests pulled into our driveway, I stood up and instead of walking to the center of the porch to descend the steps properly, I chose to stride a longer distance intending to reach the side of the step and descend...I missed my mark, stumbled and began to fall forward towards the sidewalk. Thank God I had presence of mind to turn my body to avoid falling on my puppy. My spine, however was in a twisted position when my195 pound body crashed to the walkway. I recall yelling out, "Oh my back!" That OLD back that has experienced three surgical invasions. I laid there for a moment to allow pain sensors to kick in but to my surprise they were limited. For the next three days, I noticed minor morning stiffness then it began, near debilitating muscular, back and hip pain.

Finally, I followed my wife's advice and got an X-ray, which was negative for bone and compression  fractures. The doctor told me that I likely stretched and tore muscles while awakening some arthritic issues from previous back surgeries. "If you were 29, I'd say you would be back to normal in 7-to-10 days; at your age, you're looking at 7-to-10 weeks," said the doctor. For three plus weeks it has been a  challenge getting in and out of bed, which is problematic for an old man with a prostate the size of a softball. At the end of four weeks, I can now roll over in bed without thought and great caution.

Stop by for a visit and notice our new handrail off the front porch
.Step by Step

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