Saturday, August 25, 2018

Three Cheers for the 'Flippers!'

I've noticed recently in broadcast news the term 'flipping' has become more prevalent in discussions. It appears some folks don't like it when a person in a subordinate position gets caught breaking the law and 'flips' or turns state's witness against the next guy higher on the toetum pole who may be that bigger law breaker. By 'flipping' the person snitching gets a lesser punishment. I don't know about you but to save my butt or protect my family, I'm going to 'flip' on you...take it to the bank. Oh, I'll also bet my last dime when push comes to shove, you tough takin studs will look like a gold medalist gymnast when the walls start closing in.

In my hometown of East St. Louis, which was known to have its share of underground activities, those who turned state's evidence were not called flippers, they were called 'stool pigeons' or 'squealers.' Some of those fellas eventually showed up in the trunk of their Cadillac while others just disappeared.

Let's face reality. If law enforcement is going to be successful in protecting society, they better find 'flippers.'

1963...Mobster Joe Valachi was an informant and the first mobster to confirm publicly an America  Mafia.
1967...Joseph 'The Animal' Bamboza ...a hit man for the Patriarca crime family...Bamboza testified against the family, he 'flipped.'
Joe 'The Ear' Massino squealed on many associates in 2004, and showed the Feds the location of the famous 'Mob Graveyard.'
Salvatore Sammy 'The Bull' Gravano, in 1980, was under boss for John Gotti...Gravano cut a deal with the Feds and testified against Gotti.
In the 60's & 70's, Frank Lucas controlled Manhattan's largest heroine ring. Frank also cut a deal with prosecutors and named corrupt New York police officers who were on the take.

Oh, one more, remember Henry Hill's story? Well instead of me elaborating you can rent the movie 'Goodfellas.' I'll bet it's one of Donald Trump's favorite 'flipper flicks.'
Ozzie Flips

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