Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Saga of Joe Conservative

Authur Unknown...

Joe gets up at 6a.m. and fills his coffee pot with clean water because some tree hugging liberal fought for minimum water-quality standards. Joe takes his morning meds, which are safe because some stupid commie liberal fought to insure safety and that the meds work as advertised. His meds are mostly paid for by his employer's medical plan because liberal union workers went on strike years ago for paid medical insurance-Joe now gets it. Joe's morning breakfast of eggs & bacon is safe to eat because some girly-man liberal fought for laws to regulate (GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS) the meat industry.

Joe walks to the mass transit pick up stop breathing fresh air because some wacko liberal fights industries for clean air. Joe saves auto and parking expenses using mass transit because some socialist-liberals staged protest to adopt government provided transportation services.

Joe's job offers good wages, an excellent medical plan, paid holidays and vacation time with retirement benefits because some lazy union liberals fought the battle. If Joe is hurt on the job, he will receive workmans' compensation because some crazy liberal thought guys like Joe should not lose their home if out of work due to injury. When Joe banks his check he can be sure that his money is 'safe' because some godless liberals insisted on government regulations on the banking industry...thanks to Government Regulations Joe's money is protected from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the system before the Great Depression.

Joe takes his family to visit his aging parents over the weekend. Those 'socialist' provided interstate highways, which makes the trip easier these days and Joe has peace of mind knowing his parents have a decent retirement income supplemented by social security...thanks to some nutty-libtards.
Joe listens to talk radio during the drive and finds himself agreeing with the conservative radio host who is pomoting the notion that "those big-government liberals are ruining our lives." Joe agrees as he tells his wife and kids, "I'm a self-made man...I took care of myself, didn't need assistance and others should do the same."

Actually, Joe, here's a fact: Sooner or later, in some way, we are ALL LIBERAL-DEMOCRATS.

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