Friday, March 6, 2015

Lawmakers Know Better

I recently read that Florida legislatures are considering a law, which will permit guns on college campuses. If you have not been on a college campus lately you would be shocked by the oft times, over-the-top obnoxious behavior; the bad choices are legendary. Binge drinking, drug use, out-of-hand fraternity hazing and promiscuous sexual activities; The frequent destruction of young lives is well documented!

During the next month, college students from across America will head to warmer climates as they make their annual migration called, 'spring break.' They will leave behind one billion dollars of their parents' hard earned money. A few students will fall to their deaths from condo balconies and many will return to campus with STD souvenirs.

By all means, let's introduce legal fire arms to these college kids living in a volatile environment, which begs for tragic scenarios.

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