The year 1978 marked the birth of the gross-out movie era with the release of the movie, 'Animal House' starring the late John Belushi. The movie theme centered around a group of misfit fraternity brothers engaging the sometime funny yet most often crude and rude antics, which flew in the face of all societal norms.
This movie set the bar for ensuing comedy movies to push the obnoxious behaviors to limits. Overtime that bar continues to 'push' aside conventional acceptable behavior. America's real fraternity houses have become fertile grounds to up the ante of excessive alcohol consumption, sexual activities and vulgar language.
Recent escapades at a number of American universities supports this belief. Actually, there appears to be strong competition among fraternities when it comes to gross-out behavior. When classes are not in session the fraternity-show heads to warm climates and the ritual of 'spring break.'
It is true that colleges get well deserved reputations:'University of Illegal Illinois and Purdue have good engineering schools. Washington University (St. Louis, MO) is noted as a top medical school while another Missouri University (Columbia, MO) touts journalism.
If your kid is looking for the top party colleges, checkout Syracuse or University of Iowa.
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