Monday, March 16, 2015

Phony IS What Phony Embraces

The basic difference between Democrats and Republicans centers around government size and its involvement in our daily lives. The Democrats favor a larger government whereas Republicans favor a smaller government. Obviously, larger government means more programs and more programs mean more expenses and more expenses mean more taxation.

The State of Illinois recently fired the Democrat Governor (Pat Quinn) and hired a Republican Governor (Bruce Rauner). True to form, the Republican is slashing programs, reducing government size and hopefully reducing the State's debt problems.

University Presidents are complaining because the 31% of its budget is to be cut. The city park districts around the State are unhappy because State Grants are being withdrawn and projects are halted and or canceled. Six other State education programs are facing deep cuts and educators/parents are unhappy. Governor Rauner is also attempting to renege on contractual pension plans already agreed upon. The latter issue is being argued before the State's Supreme Court.

It appears that people who favor smaller government want programs cut unless THAT program benefits them or theirs! Case: Several years ago when Obama offered Americans that 'cash for clunkers' automobile trade in deal, a local staunch Republican physician was on that offer like stink on manure. Hey Doc, that was a Democrat giveaway.

Here's the deal:! The City of Decatur can cut the budget for street maintenance right after they fix the 'potholes' in my neighborhood. Let's be honest, from time to time we are all Democrats @ heart!

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