Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Oh, I'm Probably Wrong

Webster's dictionary defines 'generally' as widely so; keep the definition in mind as I state that 'generally,' many parents are weak kneed and ineffective in their role.'

Recently, we (America) have seen a measles outbreak and to little surprise the reason is traced to parents who refuse to have their children inoculated fearing the risk of autism, which is based on false information. Never mind what may be in the best interest of the masses. These parents become ruffled at the notion that GOVERNMENT dare make those choices for children. Parents wish for the government to stay out of their personal lives.

Of course, the same parents want government to regulate fast food restaurants and school lunch programs because their kids cannot possibly exercise self-control due to the fact the children have never been taught self-discipline or the meaning of the word 'No.'  Nevertheless, parents do expect federally funded after school programs that correlate to mom and dad's work times.

 The message from mommy and daddy is simple: some things we can do on our own, other things we cannot do...we will let the 'State' know when they are needed to serve us as individuals.

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