From a prospective 'consumer,' I once had a very exciting could determine that by the mail I used to get back in those younger exciting days. I got endless mail and phone calls offering great deals on properties, automobile deals, vacation plans, college loans, investment arrangements and endless career considerations.
These days, sellers have a bead on me; my mail suggests something far more different. First, they know that I DON'T work and they speculate that parts of my body WON'T work. Hear me out. I receive weekly discount offers on Flomax and Viagra while the hearing aid hustlers send me birthday cards. Marketing agents at every assisted-living home in three counties contact me weekly with fresh proposals. A diabetic supplies company pleads with me to allow them to deliver my supplies to my front door at a reduced cost. Fairlawn Cemetery keeps sending me burial and cremation plans.
Speaking of mail, we will never use the amount of return labels my wife has amassed from her contributions to the American Heart Association, Alzheimer's Association, Diabetes Foundation, March of Dimes, St. Jude's Cancer Care, MS and scores of others. I suggested to my wife that she needs to re-think her giving to all these groups...we'll run out of money before we run out of good causes.
I said these 'sellers' know me. I GET Scooter Store and Lift Chair mailings once a month. Speaking of frequent solicitors, no one has been more dogged than some gal named 'Rachael,' who represent some credit card company. I mean this lady telephones me three times a week. Of course the police and firemen put me on a regular guilt trip begging for financial assistance. After all these folks risk their lives to protect me and they have good reason to expect some help.
I feel badly that I did not make more money during my working years. I sure didn't think so many people would be depending on my retirement funds.
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