Monday, December 12, 2016

Don't Decipher so Good Anymore

I'm thinking that there is a direct correlation between increasing age and decreasing reasoning. With each passing year, I seem to 'get less;' I simply don't understand. The only thing more frustrating than my growing 'cluelessness' is having extra gravy on my plate only to discover we are out of bread.

I cannot make sense of a President-elect who appoints a number of former military men to his cabinet and yet he openly dismisses the findings of his CIA.

I cannot imagine there is such a great audience for the plethora of 'Walking Dead' television re-runs. Who in the world believes that dead people 'walk?' Okay, I'll give you Ed Sullivan.

Why would anybody buy a product (advertised on TV), which promises a home face-lift in 5-minutes. Bathroom surgeries are seldom successful.

If 'political-conservatives' want less government in their lives then why is our President-elect appointing so many 'Wall Street' CEO's to his cabinet when it was many of these guys who benefited from using tax payers monies to 'bail them out' a few years back. Hells bells...that's benefiting from 'socialism.' This could lead to bigger government.

Since the Evangelicals demonstrated a strong voting block, should not Trump consider appointing a strong Christian voice to his cabinet? How about Joel Olsteen as Secretary of State? We might go down the toilet but we'd have a wonderful smile on our face.

How did MY children, who adored MY parents' ways, come to worship and trust MY grandkids so much? (Please re-read three times!)

Dadgumit, I just looked out the back window and noticed that my neighbor's dog is out of his yard. This is the third time in a week. If I don't chase him down its going to cost my neighbor another $85.00 to 'bail out' the critter. I'll just bet some secret service guy, right this minute on tax payers' dollars, is walking Obama's dog. That ain't right...makes no sense to me...but then again, I am an old fart!

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