I wish not to overgeneralize or exaggerate and you blog readers certainly know how often I am WRONG, therefore I offer the following opinion with a degree of restraint if not an "excuse me."
I believe that the automatic dishwasher lead to a higher American divorce rate. Okay, hear my reasoning. First, my apologies to automatic dishwasher inventor, Josephine Cochran of Shelbyville, Illinois who applied for her USA patent in 1886.
I am not going to suggest that the following observed married couple (post evening dinner) behavior was common practice for all American couples who did NOT own an automatic dishwasher...but it was the daily routine at my youthful home. BTW, we never called it dinner; it's always been supper to this old boy.
Okay, shocking as it may sound to the mellinials, once-upon-a-time we seniors (family members) all gathered together for the supper hour...there's a novel concept for family bonding. After supper, I recall my mother and father co-opting dish cleanup duties. Yep, mom washed and dad dried. I never paid much attention to their conversation during that time but I do remember once in a while seeing a playful kiss and even a pat on the behind, which sent a clear message to young eyes that these two people truly cared for each other and I was fortunate to be living in such a loving safe place.
Today, I see more and more young married couples eating out at restaurants. As they wait for food they are usually independently engaged in their personal cell phones. No dishes to do and no reason for chit-chat.
These days at our crib, I usually cook supper and my wife and I share cleanup duty but she insists putting the dishes into that damn automatic dishwasher. Therefore, I pat her on the butt and take the dog outside.
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