Let me state unequivocally that retirement years are terrific! My wife and I enjoy more advantages than disadvantages in these senior-seasons. (Notwithstanding the fact that I am subjected to far too many Hallmark Channel Christmas movies).
There is, however one drawback. These 'golden years' present more free time to observe the nation's politics. This is not good. In fact, we all know the tendency for old people to become more critical and cynical. Serve up the daily cable news politics dosage into the retirement-environment is like throwing gasoline on the camp fire in the midst of S'mores making.
In my younger working years, I was simply too busy trying to 'make' a go of things to pay much attention to the activities of my government leaders. I knew we had a government but I was focused on my own race. Holy crap, in these retirement years, I've noticed that it's a mess out there! Not only are our leaders self-centered and greedy they are grossly inept and believe we folks are hopelessly stupid. Sadly, they are perhaps correct on the latter.
My dad once told me that if I found myself unhappy with conditions, I should not bellyache about the circumstance but do something to change the conditions, which surround me. If I embrace that advise, I think the only thing in my control is either go back into the work force or busy myself with volunteer work that distracts my attention from the self-centered greed and leadership ineptness, which abounds.
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