In a 1976 Playboy Magazine interview with soon to be President Jimmy Carter, he stated that he had many times committed adultery as defined by Jesus Christ when Christ said, "If a man lusts in his heart he has already committed adultery." Carter was simply placing himself in that group of all who are 'weak in the flesh.' Let's see now, who would that be? Oh, I know, that would be YOU & ME!
Well, you know that the shit hit the fan. Republicans were all over Carter and his 'vulgar' suggestion. Yes sir it's same holier-than-thou Evangelical-Party that today gives Donald Trump a 'pass' when he says, "I can grab a woman's p#**y because I'm famous."Actually, they go beyond pass-giving but defend Trump's vulgarity as 'boys will be boys' locker room talk.
And yet the important issue of the day is those evil-dancing-with-the-devil-liberals who won't let you good-heaven-bound Evangelical Christians say, "Merry Christmas." I'll tell you folks, we need to 'Make America Great Again!' Yes sir Bubba...bring back no Union protection, slavery, abuse of women and Mint Juleps.
Please spare me any rebuttal. Just swallow for you and I both know that we'd prefer standing in Jimmy Carter's moccasins on judgment day rather than those of Donald Trump's.
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