Wednesday, February 22, 2017

A Changing America

You've heard the old adage, "There's Show and there's Go." I interpret that to suggest, there's people and institutions that purport one ideal but their actions contradict the position. The other side of that saying suggests some people and institutions' actions demonstrate their stated mission. Therein, we have 'show' and 'go.'

I cannot help but fear that our United States of America is experiencing slippage, if not failure, living up to our pontificated freedoms and beliefs.

Let's examine one purported ideal pontificated by our Constitution: 1) Freedom of Religion- The majority of Americans claim to be Christian and quickly advance the concept that our nation was founded upon Judea-Christians principles; Yet, The KKK membership doubled during President Obama's administration. Attacks on Jewish Synagogues and properties have increased the past year. While anti-Semitic  activities escalate, we note attacks on the American-Muslims has elevated. Oh, and in this 'Christian' nation, we find 14-to-18 % attendance in Christian Churches on Sunday all-time low.

Talk is cheap...pointing to the heavens when hitting a home run is phony..It's SHOW. I cannot imagine God favoring one man to triumph over another man, however, I can envision God wanting one man to reach out and love the other man who looks and believes entirely different.

What's going on? Well, one thing that hurts is the constant scare-tactics wrapped in the current President's rhetoric; things he states and things he fails to state. He talks about a need for a wall and anchors that need suggesting Mexico is sending murderers, drug dealers and rapists to our country. Then he fails to denounce the Ku Klux Klan's endorsement. Why? Because THEY are the deplorables in his camp.

This President has recently demonstrated some good leadership 'picks' to his credit. Now, if he would stop with the lies, attacks on our nation's free press, which is essential in a democracy, and distance himself from hate scare tactics, we just might slow the erosion of America's founding ideals.

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