Sunday, February 5, 2017

A Most Interesting Perspective

These are NOT my words but excerpts from an editorial penned by Pastor Shayne Looper of Lockwood Community Church in Branch County, Michigan. (Following is a paraphrased account)

(America is more sharply divided than ever in my lifetime. It is not just a political divide but also ideological, which has led to compulsive distrust. Neither side respects or listens to the other with whom they disagree. The result is animosity across our country.

Where does 'The Church' fit into to this picture? Ask that question and you'll notice the 'divide' and ideological fault line runs through The Church, also. Brothers and sisters on each side accuse the other with racism, xenophobia, greed, biblical unfaithfulness and an ungodly culture. While evangelicals sided with the GOP the last election the mainline Church called fouled.

So, which should chose? Should The Church side with Republicans or Democrats, the right or the left?


It is not the Church's job to side with any political party. The Church's allegiance belongs to the kingdom of God. The Church should use political parties to urge justice and peoples' well being.
When you join the Church you are joining a Renaissance not a club. In joining you are acknowledging that things are not right in the world or in self. Church people should be committed to God. They have sworn allegiance to His Kingdom.)

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