Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Irrefutable Logic because She said so.

Every time I post a story about a comment from my wife, which I find humorous one of our children or one of our nieces will rally to defend whatever my wife may have said...I can count on it. That is either 'unconditional love' or a wake up call to the reality that 'alternative facts' are embraced outside politics.

My wife's ability to turn-the-tables can be both halarious and frustrating...believe me. Here's a recent conversation exchange to offer an example: Saturday, I said to my wife, "Gerry, telephone Cheryl and Tom to inquire if they are still planning to be here (Florida) February 17, for a visit." My wife said, "Okay, I'll call them after church tomorrow." Late Sunday evening, I asked, "Gerry what did Cheryl and Tom say today?" Gerry responded, "I forgot to call them because YOU didn't remind me." Footnote: Wanna guess how many arguments I've won in nearly 57-married years?

Then there was this exchange this past fall. We were having our home's exterior painted and I removed the patio outside speakers from the outside of our sunroom for the painter. When I was replacing the speakers, I used some old wire that I hoped would allow me to place the second speaker around the corner of the sunroom. I said to my wife (nearby), "I don't think I'm going to have enough wire to mount this second speaker where I'd like." My wife's said (matter-of-factly), "Just cut the wire LONGER."

Gerry went about her business bringing in plants and later I found some additional speaker wire that I spliced to the existing wire, which enabled me to put the speakers at the desired location. Later that afternoon, Gerry noted the speaker location and asked, "How'd you do that?" I responded, "I cut the wire longer." She said, "I wish you'd listen to me more often."

Being married to this little girl reminds me of the saying, "Some days your the pigeon and some days your the statue." I shall add the footnote...'Every day you laugh; some days aloud.'

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