Thursday, February 23, 2017

Let's Punish All Offenders

It would appear to be a natural question, 'Why?' Why do we have 11-million undocumented immigrants in the United States? What pushes them from their homeland and what attracts them to America?

Seemingly the answer is 'Job's.' When I visit people in upscale affluent areas, I notice many lawn maintenance/ landscaping vehicles and several Hispanic laborers. When visiting regions of rapid home-building, (Plano, Texas/Plainfield, Illinois), I notice numerous Hispanic workers. When traveling across the country side near truck farms, it is not unusual to see truck loads of Hispanics being transported to ripened fields.
When speaking in Orlando, Florida, San Diego, California, Braintree, Massachusetts, Appleton, Wisconsin and other cities, I note endless Hispanic hotels employees.

One must wonder if these jobs are undesirable by white (Americans) or has business employers managed to keep the wages so low that whites refuse the work leaving an open door to immigrants.
There was a time, I remember when union laborers showed up at their union halls everyday waiting for a 'call' that gave them a day's work at a decent hourly wage. In recent times we note more and more states 'breaking unions,' i.e. Wisconsin, which benefits corporations while creating a labor force anxiety and so-called 'scab-labor.'

If one steps back and surveys the undocumented situation in the nation, one can certainly see the cause is multifaceted. Perhaps while rounding up the undocumented Mexicans and deporting them, we should arrest those who hired them, paid them cash and was an accomplice in the crime.

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