Friday, June 9, 2017

Call'em What You Wish, Just Beware

Yesterday while former FBI Director, James Comey was testifying before a Senate Committee regarding his firing by President Donald Trump, the President was speaking before the Faith and Freedom Coalition group of approximately one thousand. The President told the religious group, "We are under siege." Two thoughts come quickly to mind. The word 'siege' is incorrectly used in this instance by Trump. 'Siege' is Military or police action. And secondly, when the hell did Trump crawl into the pocket of American Christians? Not that I think for a minute that the Faith and Freedom group IS Christian anymore than I 'think' James Dobson could be Christian. That's correct> James Dobson (American evangelical Christian author) the same James Dobson who called for husbands to "shoot and kill" transgender men entering a woman's restroom. I'll recant my opinion of Mr. Dobson if anyone can show me scripture where Christ called for killing.

Some Christians might think their beliefs, teachings and principles were under attack by a Presidential candidate who makes fun of the handicapped, makes disparaging remarks about a woman's face, makes bigoted comments about a judge's ethnicity, suggest an opponent's father assisted in a Presidential assassination ( that would be bearing false witness), brags about sexually assaulting women for pleasure or suggests a female interviewer is "bleeding." Now THAT just might qualify as Christian ideals and principles 'under siege.'

My maternal grandparents were near and dear to me. Mammy Bennett was the most profound example of Christian love I have ever witnessed in my journey and that opinion is widely shared by many still on this journey. E. V. Bennett was a 'believer' but had a unique 'cut-the-hog' manner of speaking. Let me give an example of this: Mammy told me on more than one occasion, "Make sure you read Matthew 7-15 about false prophets coming in Sheep's clothing. You'll run into many over the years." E. V. often warned me about, "lyin' sons-a-bitches."  Opposites do attract.

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