Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Family Dynamics

They voted for change...and why not? I'm talking about changing the Roustio Family Reunion from an annual affair as it has been for the past sixty-eight years to an every other year Reunion beginning in 2020. The French-descendants (Roustieau clan) will meet for their 69th 'annual' reunion in 2018 but thereafter meet the every other year on 'even-number-years.'

The change is probably long overdue. When the family gathering began in 1949, families were not nearly as dispersed as they are today. A village really did have 'hands-on' raising children because the village was largely made up of kinfolks looking out for one another. Consider the '40's & '50's family dynamics. Many families stayed close to one another because of like customs, traditions and language barriers with first and second generation immigrants.Those issues fell by the wayside with generational assimilation.

I remember those days when fathers worked five week days while mothers were truly 'homemakers' and then both were doing home projects on Saturday. We knew grandparents were butchering a few chickens Saturday for Sunday dinner after Church. That was back in the day when nearly 50% of Americans were attending Sunday Church services compared to 14% today. (Don't believe that?  Look it up!) stores were closed to 'honor the Sabbath.'  Family traditions dictated. As education and job opportunities pulled the younger generation away from the hometown we saw the beginning of a more mobile society and noted dwindling attendance numbers at the family reunion.  It was more difficult for those far away family members to make the date. Perhaps thirty years earlier a Saturday reunion date change was çalling; We were not listening. Well, yesterday the fifty-one people in attendance were given four choices to consider: The pre-vote emphasis was a charge to vote for the choice you believe sustains and improves attendance. A decisive majority wanted to have the Roustio Reunion every other year on the even years.

I am appreciate my children and spouses stepping forward and taking some leadership responsibilities. Your Papaw would be pleased. And on that note, may I say, my wife and I attended these reunions over the years for two reasons: We wanted to honor family love ones who came before and we wanted our kids/grandkids to stay connected this becoming part of a legacy.

Keep in mind this is not the only family reunion we should hope to attend.
One Day

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