Monday, June 5, 2017

Fighting Despair

When I read the news of a young Springfield boy's shooting-death, I felt instant sadness, anger and disgust. I remembered the youngster playing for the Southeast high school basketball team a couple of years past in our Annual Decatur Thanksgiving tournament. The senseless murder conjured up memories of other painful times when my own guys met similar inner-city 'street-fate.' Two of my Stephen Decatur high school former players' lives were cut short because they trusted the wrong people and put themselves in compromising situations. I will forever choke-back personal tears recalling what might have been.

Once upon a time in my life, I remember escaping from negative realities immersing myself in television entertainment. Today, T. V. offers little relief as more and more 24/7 cable news coverage of crazy-acts of terrorism, government gridlock driven by impotent closed minded leadership and supported by a narrow-thinking populace, engages in hate rhetoric on social media.
These are sick times in which we live. The focus on these negative-current events can quickly cause sad and depressing feelings.

When I finally push myself away from all the negativism, I focus on 'me.' That's Right 'ME.'
Not poor me but rather me with regards to> How am 'I' responding to this avalanche of hate and the subsequent senseless acts perpetrated on fellow-man?<  The answer comes when I accept the fact that my greatest joy has always come to 'me' when I believe I have made another person 'feel' good. That   said, I will share with you the following: I have begun concentrating on my daily encounters with    people. When I leave the house on matters of routine, pleasure or business, I anticipate with whom I may contact along the way. I make it a point to make eye contact with folks. Require some specifics when conversing. Show interest and concern for their thoughts and well being. I keep a daily comment-notebook, diary if you wish, in which I enter people names and notations. I have done this for five days...I like what I experiencing.

In my conscientious effort to make others 'feel good,' guess what? It's already working wonders on 'me.' Let's start our own grass-roots movement, shall we? We'll call it "Brighten Your Corner."
Brighten The Corner

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