Monday, March 14, 2016

Enjoy the Moment

It's always youth sports time. Year around sport opportunities for kids abound. I wish to speak to parents and mentors of youngsters involved in sports. Those parents and youth coaches hold the 'key' to the likelihood of a youngster's good or bad experience. Much is pontificated regarding the benefits and woes of youth sport participation. I don't wish to re-chew a lot of that hash but I do want to make a couple of points.

Please impress upon the young sport enthusiast that winning and losing does not define self-worth as a person. It is true that we all gain self-esteem through positive outcomes, however those moments can never make one more or less 'worthy' as a person. Find enjoyment in that which you do.

I would encourage the young athlete to embrace an attitude of 'next moment' focus. This means one should not waste time or mental energies thinking about what just happened but focus on the next possible scenario. Being the best you can be should always be the objective in sports' play as well as  life's journey.

Remind the youth of the fleeting experiences. Embrace the time.

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