Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Making America Great Again

It appears that Donald Trump may be our next President. Since his passion is to "Make America Great Again," I feel it is my patriotic duty to make the following suggestions, which can move the objective closer to the goal line:

*After Trump builds the wall between Mexico and the United States, he should convert soccer fields back to baseball is replacing baseball as our America pastime and THAT'S Un-American as hell.
*Mandate that American high schools offer courses in divorce and bankruptcy laws. Donald can elaborate.
*Mandate vasectomies rather than circumcision on new born males. Reverse the procedure once the male has a job, $20,000 saved and knows 12 nursery rhymes.
*Put women in charge of all work place thermostats...this situation is becoming nasty.
*Remove all T.V. reality shows, 24 hour cable news and erectile dysfunction commercials. Replace with Father Knows Best, Lucy, American Bandstand and Twenty Mule Team Borax commercials.

*Make it illegal for T. V. advertisement of prescription drugs, lawsuits and preachers asking for money.
*Mandate physicians being drug tested as are pro athletes and over-the-road truck drivers.
*Make it illegal for male singers to touch their penis while singing and/or a woman's body.
*Also make it illegal to have more than two chase scenes in any movie.
*Install metal detectors at movie theaters, hospitals and churches.
*Close down any movie house selling any size popcorn for over $3.00.
*Require movie theaters to show any advertisements/commercials AFTER  the main feature
*Establish national election days on Saturday and Sunday at any place of worship this will increase voter numbers and perhaps bring people closer to a God and civil behavior.
*Restore "full service" making all self-service establishments unlawful.
*Give tax breaks to families that eat three meals a week together and greater tax breaks to families
that have grandma for Sunday dinner.
Finally...* Retribution for those who get in the 'speedy checkout lane' with more than 20 items & the color 'black' should be added to M & M's because 'BLACK' M& M's matter!

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