In 2004, John Kerry was the Democratic choice versus Republican candidate, G.W. Bush. We all know how that race ended. Likewise, we all recall the group, 'Swift Boaters for Truth.' This was a few military vets that contested John Kerry's military service record. I recall how conservative news pundit, Rush Limbaugh really embraced these guys and their constant attack on Kerry. They made a case for the Republican Party's cause to discredit John Kerry as a illegitimate War Hero.
A bi-partisan fact finding commission verified that Kerry's war record as a hero was accurate. Interestingly, when Donald Trump recently attacked John McCain's war hero status, Jeb Bush chastised Trump and defended McCain...however, ten years ago Jeb did not support John Kerry.
I guess it's a different Republican Party that's angry at Candidate Donald Trump who claims former prisoner of war, John McCain is NO War Hero.
How do you define 'hypocritical?...Behaving in a way suggesting one has higher standards or stronger moral beliefs than is the case.
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