Friday, August 21, 2015


 I know the NRA becomes aggressive protecting Second Amendment Rights after any mass shooting. One popular position the organization takes is the pontificated logic, 'guns don't kill people kill.' And then the position shifts to the mentally ill. Okay. The mentally ill institutions closed because fanatic tax watch people no longer wished to pay the freight for housing the mentally ill people.

Years ago, the pendulum of justice swung far to the right ...the attitude prisons and lock up these criminals. The tax watch people don't wish to pay for those prisons, therefore states are closing prison facilities and we now have overcrowding conditions. Now there is talk about releasing some prisoners sooner for lesser crimes. Is that a smart approach to saving tax money.

 North St. Louis is a war zone of criminal disobedience, unrest and killings. The city does not have the 'tax monies' to hire enough police but the city has already spent millions of dollars developing plans to spend billions to keep or secure a National Football League team.

Finally, this one is impossible for me to understand. I hear all this crap about 'black lives matter' as if I don't understand that all lives matter. Please spare me the bullshit about police brutality. A couple of days ago, two black thugs beat the crap out of an elderly black man (who happened to be War vet). Police had a warrant to search a house in North St. Louis where they believed the thug to be. The
punk came out brandishing a gun and the police 'tapped his ass.' Happening the same time in another
part of the city, a nine year black girl is in her house, in her room doing homework and a drive by
shooter fires gun shots into her bedroom killing her. That night there was a demonstration by hundreds of blacks bitching about police brutality...not one word about the little nine year old child. Black-on-Black killings happen daily in that city. If, indeed, 'Black Lives Matter,' then clean up some stupid criminal crap in your backyard! Start demonstrating against the punk-ass 'black thugs.'

If you want safety, it will cost. If you want great highways, it will cost. If you want potholes fixed in front of your house, it will cost. If you want a NFL team, that will also cost.

 If you are self-centered and have shit for brains you keep making bad choices...that will also cost.

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