Thursday, August 20, 2015

Own Our Attitudes

A recent survey revealed that among some 2,000 'legal' immigrants, those with lighter skin earned 15% higher wages than those with darker skin. Duh! Welcome to America. It all began with our treatment of Native American don't think they called THEMSELVES "Redskins?"

 White people, generally speaking, demonstrate a less compassionate embrace of darker skin people. White folks have always used a 'shade barometer.' The darker the skin the less worthy the individual; except on Sunday mornings when we place $5.00 in the collection plate for 'The Zimbabwe Food Relief Fund' and then pat ourselves on the back or when our favorite NFL wide receiver makes a sensational catch.

Slavery has always been important to the American economy. Cotton picking labor cost changed dramatically after the emancipation proclamation. Today's migrant farm workers, who are often illegal immigrants working for under minimum wage. This low cost economic factor along with pandering to the Hispanic voter are THE two primary reasons we have not secured the borders.

 Here are a few slave labor countries with which corporate-America does business: China, India, Bangladesh, Nigeria and Pakistan. Therefore, it is fair to conclude that we Americans approve of 'slave labor' if it is profitable. Many of our corporate leaders wash hands much like Pontius Pilate pretending they are clear of moral wrong-doing. Money talks...morals walk. We need to own our attitudes.

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