Monday, August 17, 2015

Smart is ??

I know that my grandkids are smarter than me. In fact, the older I get the less I get. (Perhaps I should re-phrase that; the older I become the less I comprehend).

I notice hospital personnel wear gloves but patient visitors don't. Explain.
Some stores sell faded and torn jeans, the likes of which, my mother threw away.  S'up with that?

When my wife gets a pedicure, the manicurist wears a wife doesn't. Really?
Why can my congressperson receive gifts from lobbyists and it's against the law for me to give my mailman a five dollar bill in a Christmas card? Bull Butter!

Most multi-millionaire baseball pitchers have a 50-50 record. The only other person that I know making a living with that kind of percentage record is my T. V. Weatherman. Fact.
Parents hover over their kid until age 16, when they purchase a car for the kid.. At 18, the kid is permitted to go halfway around the world on a senior trip chaperoned by less than responsible people who can be found in the hotel bar. Smart choices, parents.

I might be arrested for Not wearing a auto-seat belt but the motor cyclist can dart in and out of highway traffic lanes wearing NO helmet. Is this why I am told to, "Start seeing motorcycles?"

Sometimes I feel like Ricky Ricardo..."S'plain it, Lucy!"

I hope that my grandkids are smart enough to know that their greatest gift in this life is their mother.
Silly for me to worry; I'm sure they do.

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